Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cell Phone Baby Sitter

                From time to time my Parents go out by themselves. They call it Mommy/ Daddy time. My little sister and I call it baby sitter time. Sometimes our big sister watches us or even worse a baby sitter. First off I’m not a baby. Jenny might still be one, but me, I’m too old to be a baby. Mom and Dad always tells me that I can’t be alone because I might burn down the house and I always tell them, “Look how was I to know you couldn't put tin foil in the microwave, if you guys thought there was a sticker on the microwave that said no metal items then you’re mistaken!” The Microwave is but another story for later.
                One night, we had to have a baby sitter because Mom and Dad needed that special time. Mom had to get a different baby sitter, the regular one, Miss Jackie as she was called, was out of town. Jenny was not happy at all. She liked Miss Jackie, because she played tea time with Jenny.
                Our sister, Elizabeth, was also going to be out of town for a school trip. It ended up Mom got a baby sitter who just happened to be one of Elizabeth’s Goth friends.
                Six pm at the Stein residence came and the doorbell rang. At the door my parents greeted the baby sitter Kim. Kim was a lot like my sister, the bride of Frankenstein, minus the white makeup. I guess Kim figured she wasn't going to a Halloween party so she should look somewhat human. Kim was dressed in a black long sleeve shirt with black and white strips a black dress which stopped at her knee caps. Her socks covered her legs and she had on black work boots with pink shoe laces of all things. Dr. Phil should do a show on her called “Disney Princess Gone Bad.”
                Anyways, Kim played nice and Mom and Dad headed out the door and told Kim that they would be back at 11:00pm and that Jenny and I needed to be in bed by no later than 8:45pm. Mom and Dad’s car, AKA the Bat Van, pulled away and Miss Kim sat down on the sofa popped on the idiot box as Mom called it. The room was silent minus the TV and then it happened. The baby sitter whipped out something Jenny and myself hated with a passion. It was one of the worst things ever created by man, so dark and evil, it could suck the life out of a person. It was a pink cell phone, Jenny looked at me and said, “Look, Joey, it’s one of those Zombie phones.”
                I didn’t say a word I just looked at Miss Kim pecking away at the screen. Jenny went up to Miss Kim while she was glued to her little screen.
                “Miss Kim, will you play tea time with me,” Jenny asked in a soft somewhat scared voice. Miss Kim fired back saying, “Kid, can’t you see I’m doing something here? Like what’s your problem? Go play with your brother or something.”
                Just then we hear a heavy knock on the door, more like someone is pounding on the house. Miss Kim gets up still looking at her phone and opens the door. To my surprise it was a Goth boy and before I could even think it Jenny says to me, “Hey, that looks like the guy in Elizabeth’s picture by her mirror.”
                “Yeah, the one with the heart on the picture,” I said.
                The Goth dude said to Miss Kim, “What’s up?”
                Miss Kim smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then went back to her phone. Miss Kim and the Goth dude sat down on the sofa, for a good hour the two of them were on their phones not saying a word. Jenny and I played in her room for a little while. At one point Jenny asked me, “Joey, are you going to do something about Elizabeth’s friend? That’s not right, she’s a bad friend.”
                “You’re right Jenny, I need to do something just give me some time to figure it out,” I said.
                Kim and the Goth dude put their phones on the coffee table and started disgustingly sucking face. The bad part was Miss Kim was chewing gum and never took it out of her mouth. I crawled across the floor trying not to be seen and grabbed Miss Kim’s phone. I took a picture of the two octopuses sucking face with Miss Kim’s phone and sent it to my sister’s phone with the message. Isn’t this the guy you like that’s sucking face with your friend Miss Kim? By the way, don’t call this phone, because your little brothers going to make it go by bye-bye.
                I took Miss Kim’s phone and put it in our microwave for one minute. I looked at Jenny and said, “We need to take cover!” As we ducked behind the wall in the hallway and waited the Goth dudes phone rang. I could tell it was my sister, because the person on the phone was yelling and the Goth dude said, “But, Elizabeth, I’m not with Kim; I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  
                Just as Miss Kim says to the Goth dude, “You’re a liar!”
                Jenny and I smelled smoke, I then counted down to Jenny, “10, 9, 8, 7, 6.” BOOMMM, the microwave exploded.
                Miss Kim yelled, “What the F#@*!!!”
                I grabbed Jenny’s ears to cover up what Miss Kim said. Jenny looked at me, smiled and said, “You don’t have to cover my ears. I know what “fuck” is. That’s what Mom and Dad do in the bedroom.”
                The Goth dude yells out, “Shit, whoooow.”
                As I’m still holding on to Jenny’s ears she says, “Joey, take your hands off my ears what your doing is not working. I heard the bad Goth guy say shit and I know what that means too. That’s what we all do in the toilet closet.”
As were sitting on the floor in the hallway waiting for the smoke to clear seconds after the microwave exploded the front door burst open. Pieces of the door jam go flying and Dad runs in and yells, “Everyone out of the house!”

                We all headed out into the yard. I could still hear my sister on the Goth dudes cell phone yelling away. That night Jenny and I heard words from our parents that I had never heard as they yelled at Miss Kim. That night Miss Kim and her new boyfriend had to walk home. As for me, I was grounded for a month and had to work off the cost of a new microwave oven. My sister, on the other hand, looked at me as Jesus for what I had done to her X friend and X future boyfriend. He was scary looking anyway. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Zombie Sister

                My sister Elizabeth is like every other Goth kid out there, a left over from Halloween. I have spoke of her from time to time, but I must express my struggle with her. Elizabeth is one that will not rise from the dead until 10:00am that’s the earliest she will rise. School days are another story. She walks the halls like a zombie, more like the bride of Frankenstein. You see she doesn't take off her white make up at night, she has black bed head hair, makes funny sounds like she’s constipated or something. Sounds like the bride of Frankenstein to me.
                It takes my sister one hour to get ready to go anywhere. On school days she has to wake up an hour ahead of time just to make it to school on time. Now let me explain my sister’s idea of what she calls Goth. After she puts on white make up and looks like a white Zombie, by the way I learned from my Dad that White Zombie was the name of a heavy metal band in the 80s, back to my sister, after the makeup she takes her Medusa hair do and make it strait as a 2x4. Her clothes look like they came from Goodwill and spent a week in Dads hamper. One day she came down for breakfast wearing a black T-shirt with a pink skull and cross bones, O’ and I forgot to mention she had on a long sleeve t-shirt and it was 75 outside. For pants she wore black cargo pants and lastly for shoes Doc Martin’s black boots which looked more like Dad’s construction boots painted black. Dad asked her, “Are you feeling OK?”
                “Yes, why do you ask?” Elizabeth said.
                “Just wondering, seeing that you’re wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and it’s 75 out. The weather man said it was going to be in the low 80s with no wind.”
                “So, I’ll be OK,” and she walked away.
                One morning my Dad asked me to wake up my sister because we were going on vacation. I went upstairs and pushed on her saying, “Wake up, sis!”
                Moans came from her mouth like a Zombie looking for food. “Come on, sis, get up we need to go,” as I pushed on her again.
                “Go away, shit head!”
                I went back down stairs and told Dad that she would not get up. Dad said, “Try harder, your mother and I need help in getting your sister out of bed.”
                “OK, I got it,” I said not liking what I was having to take care of. I went back upstairs to my sister’s room and with the help of my little sister, Jenny, we pulled all the sheets off of Elizabeth’s bed and she still didn't get up. Sis, just yelled, “Get out of here you little brats!”
                I looked at Jenny and said, “I have a plan.”
                Jenny said, “You better not do something that mommy and daddy won’t like.”
                “Don’t worry little sister, the only one that won’t like this plan is our sister.”
                I took a rope and tied one end around big sister’s feet and the other end of the rope around Jenny’s waist. I had Jenny stand on a chair so she could step over the banister.
                 Jenny looked at me a little scared and said, “I don’t know about this.”
                “Don’t worry, it will be OK. You’re only jumping four feet to the next level. Heck me and you do this all the time!”
                “Yeah, but this time you tied a rope to me with sis on the other end, “Jenny said. Obviously she was a little scared.
                ‘Don’t worry, just jump. Sis will be ok she’ll just land on all the pillows and blankets on the floor.”
                “OK, Joey, but you owe me one. You’re going to have to come to one of my tea parties.”
                “Ok, Ok, fine. Just jump!”
                Jenny jumped off the banister with the rope around her waist, Jenny hit the wall and was stopped in midair. Another two feet and she would have it to the floor. Jenny yelled out, “It didn't work!”
                “Hold on, I can fix this.”
                I ran down to the next level on the stairs where Jenny was and jumped up to grab on to her. I bear hugged her and held on tight. As soon as I grabbed her, the rope moved and Jenny and I fell to the floor, with Jenny landing on me with a thud she took the wind out of my lungs. At the same time we hit I heard a second thud and then.
                “Joey Stein, you little shit, I’m gonna get you!!!!”

                I got up and run like hell on fire, and looked back and saw my big sister right behind me. When I ran past dad I yelled out, “Elizabeth’s out of bed now, Dad.”