Saturday, May 10, 2014

Every Story Has a Beginning

         My name is Joey Stein, I have a little sister named Jenny and a big sister named Elizabeth. My Dad owns a septic tank business, and my mother is a nurse. My parents say I have no commonsense and that they pray every day for me to find it. I live in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, in a big house with a large yard. At the far end of the yard is a sand box and a swing set with a slide. I’m currently serving my second sentence in kindergarten at John F. Kennedy elementary school. My teachers name is Mrs. White she’s kind of like a Jeckle and Hyde. I just think she’s crazy and beg Mom and Dad every day just to put me in another school, or even another classroom. My classroom has 20 snot nosed, wait, 19 snot nosed whiney butts. The worst of the whiney butts is little Miss Princess, Katie Manfield. Miss Princess always tries to tell me what to do in class. I think it stems from the fact that her daddy is the Mayor. One day, Katie made me play dolls with her. I didn’t want to, but she told the teacher. Mrs. White said, “Joey, sometimes we need to be nice and play things others like to play.”

            I lost the battle and was stuck with Barbie’s boyfriend, Ken. Ken and I talked and we wanted to play superheroes. I took off Ken’s pants and put his underwear on over his pants. I then did the same and lucky for me I was wearing superman underwear. I looked at Katie and said, “Superman and Superboy need to go to work so Barbie’s just going to have to deal with it and eat dinner on her own.” Little Miss Princess had a cow, and ratted me out to the teacher. I already had a yellow ticket on the wall, and she got me a red, and I had to sit in the corner. I got her back that day at snack time by pouring my water out on her chair. After Katie sat down, I told Mrs. White that Katie wet her pants. I even said it loud enough that the whole class heard me. Katie Manfield looked at me and said’ “I hate you, Joey Stein.” I just smiled at her and ate my chocolate chip cookie. Revenge tastes so sweet.       

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