Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Out With Nurse Mommy

          It was a Friday, and another day off from school and this time I had to go to work with Mom. Mom worked at the local doctor’s office, and worked under Dr. Pornstake. The Doc was a Urologist which I didn’t really know what a Urologist was, but I know my Daddy did not like going to see one. My Mother put me in the waiting room with some coloring books, and crayons. Mom also told me I could play with the toys in the corner that were there. She informed me that she needed to change in to her nurse’s outfit. Ten minutes went by, and Mom came back to see me and she was wearing green pajamas.

            “Mommy, why are you not wearing your nurse’s outfit?” I asked.

            “Cupcake, this is my nurse’s outfit,” she said. Mom always liked to call me cupcake.

            “No, I mean the other one.”

            “You mean the other green one?” she asked.

            I then said, “NO, silly Mommy, the white one.”

            “Joey, sweetie, I don’t own a white nurse’s outfit.  I just have green ones like the one I am wearing,” and she pointed to her outfit she had on.

            “Mommy, look, last week you had on a white nurses outfit with a small hat that had that red plus sign on it. You did not have pajama bottoms like those, you were wearing a very short dress, and when I mean short, I mean short. Mommy you were also wearing what looked like Grandpa’s fishing net on your legs and wearing the red high heels you put on when you and Daddy go out on special nights out. Another thing, I even heard you ask Daddy how did he like your new nurse’s outfit. I even saw that Daddy had a really big smile on his face when he said,

“I like it very much.”

            I have known my Mommy all my life and I can tell you one thing, after I told her about that white nurse’s outfit for some strange reason she turned as red as the Lobstah Dad had last night at the seafood restaurant. Heck, the lady behind the desk in the waiting room was acting strange too, she had her hand over her mouth. I guess that lady behind the desk was not feeling too good or something.

            “Joey Stein that was not my nurse’s outfit. That was my Halloween costume.” She said loudly.

            “Mommy, it’s February,” I said with a straight face.

            “I got it on sale!”
“Ok,” I said. I can’t wait until Halloween now. I might go as a Urology patient.   I wonder what Dad will be.

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