Monday, June 2, 2014

Day Out With Nurse Mommy part 2


                Mommy walked off and The Lady from the desk looked at me and smiled as she turned the “open” sign over. In about an hour, the waiting room started to fill up. An old guy sat down beside me he asked, “What are you here for?” “I am here because I have trouble going to the bathroom and a little problem with my flow.”  I said, “I don’t have a problem going; I have a problem with flushing. My Daddy says I have big poops that won’t flush, and he sometimes has to do what he calls ‘snaking the drain’. My mommy says, “Good thing your Daddy owns a septic company, son; it’s because of you that we’re going to have to clean out the septic tank a lot sooner than most people.”

                The old guy says, “I see young man, luckily, I don’t have that problem.” A nurse opened the door to the back, and called out, “Mr. Peterson.”

                “Well kid, see you later. That’s me she’s calling,” The old guy, Mr. Peterson, said. After about 30 minutes the old guy Mr. Peterson comes out, and behind him was one of the Docs telling him over, and over that he was sorry. I was confused, because the old guy was walking like one of those guys in old west movies that just got off a horse after a long ride. Mr. Peterson looked at me while the Doc asked him, “Would you like me to subscribe some pain medication?”

                In a soft raspy voice Mr. Peterson said, ‘No. That’s ok. I’ll be fine.” Mr. Peterson looked at me, and smiled as he made his way to the door. Just seeing him walk the way we did scarred me. I asked The Lady at the desk if I could go to the back and visit my mother. The Lady gladly buzzed me in to the back. The door closed behind me with a click and all I could see was a long hallway with doors while my little ears picked up the sound of moans and groans. Over the intercom I heard, “Mrs. Stein, to room 12,” and then saw my mother at the far end of the hall come out of one hallway and it looked like then go into a room.

                I yelled, “Mommy,” but she didn’t hear me. So I slowly walked up to the room she was in. I was a little scared still. I could even hear my heart going bump, bump, bump. The door to room 12 was cracked just a little and I could smell a strange odor coming from the room kind of like the smell after Mommy had cleaned the bathroom, but different. I peered into the room looking through the partly opened door, and my heart started bump, bump, bumping even faster. I saw my Mother in the room with a doctor and a guy laying on a table.

                The doctor says, “Sir, this might hurt for a bit at first.” The man on the table said, “Please be gentle.”

                The doctor looked at my Mother and says, “The device, please.”

                My Mother nodded and unwrapped a long silver thing that looked like a snake with a large eye on one end. The Doctor took the long silver snake from my Mother and said, “Here we go.” He pulled a towel away from the man’s waist. The man yelled out in pain as the doctor grabbed his penne and started shoving the silver snake in to his pee-pee hole. Then put my hand over my mouth and started backing up, when it happened.

 I bumped into a nurse that was carrying a container of yellow stuff. The container went flying through the air, hit me in the head, and the yellow stuff started sliding down the back of my head. Funny thing is, as I stood in the hallway like a wet deer caught in the head lights, I could smell the odor of pee-pee. Could the yellow liquid, be the cause of the foul smell? The nurse I bumped in to asked, “Are you alright sweetie?”  Just then, my Mother came out of room 12 and saw me standing in the hallway. My mother shook her head and looked at me and just said, “Joey!” She grabbed me by the arm and took me to a bathroom to clean me up. She gave me a towel and told me to dry off my head, and left me in the bathroom for a couple of minutes. When she came back she told me that I was to go back to the waiting room and wait for my father to come and pick me up. I just nodded my head not saying a word still. In the waiting room, 30 minutes passed by and dad finally showed up.   He helped me pick up my stuff and we headed out the door. On the drive back home he asked, “What happened?”

                I looked at him and said, “Look, Dad, you can’t go to the Urologist anymore.”

                “What do you mean??”

                “You remember all those alien movies we saw? Especially the parts where they were doing weird things to people and cows,” I said.

                “Ya, I remember.”

                “Well, I saw a doctor probing the ‘you know where’ area on a guy and Mommy was in the room with him. Those Urology doctors are Aliens!  I don’t think they’re even human,” I said.  My dad answers with, “You don’t say.”

                “And you know what the sad part is.”

                “What’s that son?”

                “If we go in there and kill the aliens Mommy will be out of a job,” I ended with.

                “All Dad said was, “Your right about that.”

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